Class 83

This years theme is "Pause"!

Bienvenue and welcome to Ms. Mayeda's class website for 83. Please visit here regularly for links to important events, homework updates, access to general information and to help stay organized throughout the year.
Those who click the edit or create page button without permission will have their privileges to comment and edit the site taken away. Class 83, you may only edit pages with the permission of your tech team or me.
Thanks for visiting our class website. Check back frequently to stay connected, updated and informed. Here's to a great year together at RTMS!

Parents from class 83 are highly encouraged to use the Remind app to receive updates and connect with Ms. Mayeda online.

For parents/guardians only:

Click here to connect or text @83maye to (204) 800-9827

The whole school novel for 2019-2020 is:

Sit by Deborah Ellis

Teachers For 83

Mme Mayeda: French, History/Geography, Language Arts, Thompson TimeMs. Derry: ArtMs. Jafri : MathMs. McDonald: ScienceMs. Moon/Mr. Brown: Music Mr.Peterson/Ms.Angus/Mr. Suitor: Physical Education and HealthMr. Egan: Drama and DanceMs. E. Collias: Librarian